The Team
Committed to Our Cause

Grace Ishimwe
Grace Ishimwe is a native of Rwanda and has dedicated her life to helping those in the African diaspora. She has developed her own programs while working for various NGOs in Rwanda and Madagascar. Her concentrations are In youth education, training and employment. She has also lead successful campaigns to stop violence against young men and women.
Grace has extensive experience in government regulations, requirements and policies for NGOs in Africa as a compliance officer and has implemented many of her own initiatives. She is instrumental in our future success and we are blessed and honored to have her on our team.
• 01/09/2015- 30/05/2016 International Alert Kigali Rwanda
•20/01/ 2017- 30/07/2017 YESS program ( Youth Exchange south to South) participatant in Madagascar . This program
•Yes Girl campain project, where young people campaign for issues that affect girls, demonstrating the positive impact they can have on the lives of others. - Green tech Generation project which empowers young men and women to take responsibility for the environment. -
Menstrual Hygiene Management Education.
Stop violence against young women and men through advocacy, education, awareness and community action.
•01/09/2017- 30/10/2018
YESS( Youth Exchange South to South) program coordinator in Rwanda
•01/11/2018 - 30/ 08/2021 General Manager of Lingua-World Ltd in Rwanda
•2022-Present - Co-Director of Yooo! Rwanda Foundation and university admissions consultant

Iradukunda Shema
Co-Founder and Director
Shema has dedicated his life to the people of Rwanda and has many years of public service to prove it. He studied Journalism and mass communication in Bugema University (Uganda) and went on to work as a journalist for Vision Group. Later he joined then Red cross as a First aid trainer. He has served in the East African Community Office in the youth committee as a secretary. And since 2020, he serves as a program manager in ORGANISATION ENFANTS-MÈRES where he takes part in different community development activities.
Shema is an indispensable partner in our mission. He, like Grace, is Rwandan and has a full understanding of what is needed most in Rwanda to help communities thrive.

Seth Doraiswami